Richard “Dick” Koval
Dick’s legacy of love, dedication, and the joy be brought to others will forever remain in the hearts of all who knew him.
Dick’s legacy of love, dedication, and the joy be brought to others will forever remain in the hearts of all who knew him.
Tom was a member with more than 40 years of service, holding many council offices and will be remembered for his smile, his wisdom and his sense of humor.
Although he was new to our council, Tony was well liked by those who met him and was very eager to help in all of Cardinal Stritch activities he could.
Vince was the heart and soul of Cardinal Stritch Council #4620. He not only served as Grand Knight more than once, but went on to be the long time Council Family Activities Chairman.
Rich Schweitzer was the epitome of a catholic gentleman. He served our council with devotion and honor for it's entire 62 years.
Dick was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church, The Knights of Columbus and the Southlake YMCA.
John took his First degree in 2003 as a Knight of Columbus of the Cardinal Stritch Council #4620 of Crown Point, IN. He served our council with pride and was well liked by all the members.
Bill made quite an impact on our council in a short amount of time. He was always there with a level-headed thought or a great idea. He helped develop the Habitat for Humanity ministry at St. Mary's and got our council deeply involved.
Don was a Knight of Columbus for over 65 years. After transferring from Illinois, he loved serving the Cardinal Stritch Council #4620 and will be remembered for his passion and a smile.
Bud was member of a group of Catholic gentlemen of St. Mary's Church in Crown Point that founded Cardinal Stritch Council 4620 in 1958.