Rev. Kevin Huber was a Strong Supporter of the Cardinal Stritch Council

In August of 2021, we had a chance to sit down with the new pastor of St. Mary Church, Father Kevin Huber in the backward of the rectory to discuss what he expects from the Cardinal Stritch Council #4620.

Father Kevin, a fourth degree Knight himself, expressed the need for our council to have a bigger profile in the parish. He wanted everyone to know that St. Mary Church has a very active Knights of Columbus council.

Photo of Fr. Kevin Huber
Fr. Kevin Huber

Since that evening meeting in 2021, Fr. Huber said he was excited to see the participation the members of Council 4620 has shown. Not only pouring refreshments at parish functions and answering the call to duty without hesitation, but bringing their families to our Corporate Communions and regularly attending Sunday masses.

Beginning in 2023, Father Kevin had been plagued with a variety of health problems, some serious enough to require surgeries. These setbacks physically kept him from his duties at the parish.

In June of ’24, Father Kevin announced to the parish that he was going on a sabbatical to heal both physically and spiritually. He announced that Rev. James Wozniak, the pastor of St. Matthias Church, will fill the role of administrator at St. Mary’s until his return. Principal Tom Ruiz, a Cardinal Stitch Knight of Columbus, will continue as administrator of St. Mary Catholic School.

On August 28, 2024, Father Kevin Huber resigned as pastor of St. Mary Church. The Diocese announced that Father Wozniak will continue as administrator at St. Mary’s until a new pastor named.

Father Huber was only the sixth pastor in the long history of St. Mary’s parish.

During his time at St. Mary Church, Father Kevin put our council in very honorable and traditional tasks so the the parish could see they had a Knights of Columbus council. For the May Crownings Father Kevin re-established at St. Mary Church, he had the statue of Our Blessed Mother carried into the church by the Knights of the Cardinal Stritch Council #4620.

There has been no word from the Diocese on his successor at the time of printing.

Father Kevin Huber was a man who cared deeply for the people of St. Mary Catholic Church. Our council faithfully served and supported him in all the decisions he made for our parish and will be remembered by our council as a beloved brother to the Order.

When a new pastor is named, the Knights of Cardinal Stritch Council #4620 will be ready to serve the new administration as we have since 1958.